
We create serious games for all audiences based on the Unity 3D engine. By studying the training needs of our target groups we elaborate storyboards which materialize into engaging games for disseminating knowledge. Our games transcribe static content to goal based training of high learning value and increased engagement. We use Augmented Reality as a purely visual tool for communicating confusing concepts such as online safety and particularly online identities to school children and adults.

For the design of personalized learning environments we use our experience in addressing the specific training needs of corporations, SMEs and higher education institutes in the era of web 3.0, Open Educational Resources and MOOCs.
Our vision is to serve what Web 3.0 should be all about by utilising learner’s data for their own benefit in learning thus promoting the “democratisation” of user data instead of its exploitation for marketing and advertising purposes as happens today with Web 2.0.

We embrace the 7 principles of Universal Design and help educators develop inclusive content through tools which guide them for the development of content based on different learning difficulties to be addressed. At the delivery end, our tools deliver the learning objects to the learners by “integrating” preferences or constraints as they are captured in the learner’s profiles and presenting the final content in a coherent manner. The actual delivery system (“Learning Object Sequencer”) is developed using open-source standards and based on the shared-control theory.

Our vision is to offer engaging approaches for enhancing programming and STEM related skills through activities which do not increase screen time. Our approach uses hands-on educational play to provide a healthy environment for adults and children to learn how to program and develop STEM skills. We have designed a series of DIY wooden computers and consoles based on the Raspberry PI single board computer. These can bought already assembled or they can be bought in parts which can be assembled at home using a blueprint.